Monday, April 4, 2016

How to Create Best Blog in Few Minutes

More and more peoples are starting blogs every day because every person or business has a blog these days. There are many more Best blogging sites are available for posting your blogs. Blogging is an extremely stable approach to connecting with the world. Blogs help to promote a business, it can be a great way to connect with the world. Starting your own blog does not have to be complicated or expensive Whether you want to work from home, get more exposure for your existing business or starting your career as the blogger or website is highly recommended. Fortunately, you can be up and running in about 15 minutes. My blog, my blog website, were built on free blogging sites.

Steps to starting a blog

  • Choose your Blogging Platform
  • Choose a name for your blog
  • Install your blog
  • Customize your blog design and layout
  • Write your blog post

Step: 1 Choose your Blogging Platform

You have to choose a blogging platform that is easy to use and affords you with the customization tools to give your visitors everything they need to read and interact with your blog. There are lots of free best blogging sites are available, but not all platforms are created equal and some offer better opportunities for development, experience and to make money.

While self-hosted blogs require a unique domain and hosting company, they do offer huge advantages over even the best free blogging sites. Top blogging sites are always helpful to get your blog more attractive. While you can do this with free blogging sites options like,, and, you will get the most control by using self-hosted WordPress. WordPress is a hugely popular platform on the internet. And it is not only a blogging platform but a rich Content Management System. In, you can rapidly create a new blog entirely for free, with a reasonable amount of customization. It is a free blogging sites for writers. To set up your hosting account with Bluehost, follow the steps below. It will speed up the process to think of a domain name.

Step: 2 Choose a name for your domain

you need to choose a best domain name for your professional blogging site. Choosing a perfect domain name can be tough. Your domain can either be your name or should be a branded domain name. If you already own a domain name, you can enter your domain, and you will just have to go through a few extra steps to make sure you get your DNS pointed to Bluehost. If you don't have any domain name, you have to sign up and get into it, and the best part is, it comes free with your new hosting account purchase. Now that you are signed up and are able to log into your account, you can get started installing WordPress.The Best bloggers always focus on popular blogging sites to get more traffic.

Step:3 Install your blog

After finishing the signed up process, This will bring you to the Bluehost login screen. Then you have to login to your domain. Your domain started for you. Now use the password you just selected in the password field and, then click on Submit. This can be any domain on your account, or a subdomain or a folder for one of your domains.

You can see a screen where you are offered to Install or Import WordPress. Click Install to get to the next step. When you are finished, Install WordPress. After your WordPress blog has been installed and you'll see your log-in credentials.

Step:4 Customize your blog design and layout

Now that you have installed WordPress, then you will set up your blog, you can use WordPress and customizing your blog. most popular blogging sites provide many features to use. you can choose a great theme Premium WordPress themes that are stunning and easy to use.

After that, you have to know about the Dashboard that shows your recent activity, including how many posts, comments, and pages you have. You can also write a blog post. It is free blogging site that provides many themes and layouts. Changing your blog's layout and design is as simple as installing a new theme. Additionally, They can do all sorts of things, like Adding contact forms, Reducing comment spam, Making your blog SEO-friendly, Creating newsletter sign-up forms, Adding photo galleries.

Step:5 Write your blog post

Adding a New Post, click the Posts on the menu, then click on Add New, to add a new blog post. You have to add the title to your blog post in the top field, and then your content shown in the big text box below the title. You can save your draft or publish your content live by submitting option. You can even schedule the post to be published later or make the post private so only friends can see your post.

You can add your image to your post using, click the Add Media button on the content field. When the upload is finished, make sure the image you want is selected, then click the Insert into post button to add the image to the post.

You can add a link to your post using, click Add link, and your link will be added to your post. You can give any URL, link text, open link in a new tab or link to an existing page. It is an easy blogging site to post your blogs.

This all are the basic steps to start the best blog in few minutes if you need more advice, I'd suggest you go and check to refer more blogs.


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